Friday, 8 June 2012

I declare a minimal sentence of Public Apology!

From The New Paper Singapore: 

Mr Alex Ong, 25, pushed a 76-year-old woman out the rear door of a bus, after a barrage of verbal exchanges.
The reason for his fury?
The elderly woman had pressed the bell at the last minute, causing the bus to stop further down from where it was supposed to.
Fortunately, the woman was unhurt in the incident that happened at 3.15pm on Tuesday.

Morally right or ethically wrong?

I say he is so wrong to have done something like that. Firstly, it can be considered assaulting a female. Secondly, she is old. What is wrong with some Singaporeans nowadays? Has stress taken the worst of us that we do not think before our actions? Or is it due to bad education of these people cos textbooks don't state how to behave? Or schools do not emphasize mainly on morals and ethics? Whatever it is, OCD or not, I feel he should be punished somehow. Blaming society and your mental issues does not give one a lot of excuses on how to behave. His sentence should minimally be to make a public apology to that woman. For a 25 year old, he sure needs a slap on his face to wake him up! 

I miss all the action on buses cos I hate taking them... 

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