Sunday, 12 February 2012

Angmohs who do not know how to behave themselves in Singapore should go back to their own country...

I was near Chinatown last weekend when an ang moh driver from the opposite side of the road swerved into my carpark lot...

At the carpark, the lot was in between 2 roads. However, to enter the lot legally, you would have to be on my side of the road, as the other side was blocked by the chevron marking on the road.

On the other side of the road, an ang moh driver with 2 ang moh passengers entered the lot despite me driving in. At the same time, I was entering the lot from the legally right side of the road. As I didn't want my car to get hit, I drove out as the driver did not get the hint that I was going in. I waited for him to park, and later horned. He came out of the car and I said, "you are on the wrong side of the road." He had the nerve to reply, "so?"

These type of foreigners spoil their own image of locals towards them. They do not abide to our laws and they think they own this land. After he walked off with his friends, not giving a hoot about the situation, I found a lot, took a piece of paper and wrote, "YOU HAVE BEEN STOMPED!" Put it on his windshield, took some pics of his car and left. A passer-by walked past and went to glance what I had written. That was funny! Seriously, if these kind of ang mohs do not know how to behave themselves in Singapore, they should return back to their country. Enough of road bullying, enough of self-centeredness, and I've enough of this kind of behavior! 

Chevron Markings
"Diagonal white lines (hatched markings) bounded by broken lines may be used in the centre of the road to separate opposing flows of traffic. They are often provided at junctions to protect traffic turning right. They may also be used on the approach to a central traffic island or the startof a dual carriageway." -

Ang moh
"A Caucasian or a white person." -


  1. Many of them are utterly ill-bred.

  2. Yes. It is very disappointing that locals are treated this way by foreigners and for my case, I couldn't do much because of 1) Westerners are seen as the higher power vs asians 2) he was a lot older than me 3) he had the herd power of 3 while I only had myself and a friend.

  3. LOL dude u should have just punctured their tires after they left
