Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Going GAGA over Lady GAGA?

Have you gone GAGA over Lady Gaga? It's finally here! THE BORN THIS WAY BALL. Her show was worth every penny.... from my parents pocket...

This is the first concert I've been to alone... But I don't regret anything! I was practically not alone as I had friends at every corner of the stadium. It was a sign from God when I had a message from an aunt whose friend bought the wrong ticket for the show. I thought I had no chance to catch Gaga once again. She asked if I wanted to buy it and I replied, "I'll get it!" not too long later. In the end, my parents decided to pay for the ticket. THANKS MOM AND DADA! I was really surprised at what Gaga had in store for us. Having a 4-day sold-out concert at the Singapore Indoor Stadium, fans filled the whole area hours before the show, some dressed as Lady Gaga. 

Here is the Lady Gaga THE BORN THIS WAY BALL spoiler:

A 3-tier castle stage set emerged as the curtains fell. As her fans went into a screaming frenzy, Gaga's performers appeared from the side of the castle and walked to the front. Later, Lady Gaga follows suit from the side of the castle doors in a horse dressed as a unicorn. More performers dressed in military attire escort Gaga with the song, Highway Unicorn(Road to Love). They make a round to the other end of the castle doors. Low fog fills the stage floor. A floating face in a diamond shaped cage appears from the air and starts saying that Lady Gaga has escaped the castle.

Government hooker starts with Gaga reappearing from another door at the side of the castle in caged-inspired outfit. She and her dancers start performing leaving many people off their seats, moving to the beat of the music and the awesome choreography of the dancers. Later, Gaga enters the castle again. The 3-tier castle opens, showcasing the inside of the castle where Gaga is in a big blown up half body of a pregnant woman. She gives birth to dancers and soon after Born This Way begins. She then appears frm the vagina of the blown up legs. They pretty much followed the steps which you could see in the Born This Way music video, but somehow, seeing it live is more exciting. Next was Amen Fashion. I really loved this part especially the part where they had Jesus is the new black during the chorus as they had a Black dancer who acted as Jesus and opened his arms like the crucifixion of Jesus. 

Following which, Gaga comes out in a white dress with a head piece looking like a jelly fish/ alien to Bloody Mary. Her outfit was designed in such a way that there was machine under it where she stood, which drags around the stage. After this song, Bad Romance was performed. She had yet another costume change. She wore a short, white dress and wore a mask which figured a ram. She removed her mask during the song. Really raising the limits of Fashion. 

After that number, she decided to be more interactive with the audience. She said, "I am not an alien... I am not a woman... I am not a man... I am not Human.... I am not a creature of Singapore. I am Lady Gaga. I have infiltrated your city and I will overthrow your Singapore, one monster at a time. Do not forget although I may not be many things, I am you. I am your dreams, I am your hopes, your potential, everything you love about yourself.... and you hate. And, I will forever love you more than anything. When my heart beats it's because your heart beats too. When I overthrow your beautiful country, some of you may stand by me while others will betray me." After which this build up, Judas begins. Personally, I love the steps to Judas. You could find more reference to the steps in the music video. 

She heads back into the castle and the castle reopens where you would see Lady Gaga in a peach/pinkish dress with origami designs. Fashion of His Love begins. However, halfway through the song, it breaks to Just Dance. It was quite a surprise to see the merge of these two fantastic numbers. At the end of the song, she leaves and reappears from a trap door at centre stage which raises her. She is seen sitting in what could have seemed to be a Gaga bathtub, smoking a cigarette. Her headpiece figures the crown of the statue of liberty in a one sided shiny/glittery dress. As she was raised from below the stage, Love Game starts. She then interacts with the audience talking about making loads of friends doing what she does and ends off saying, "Im jus a telephone call away..." This was a build up for the next song, Telephone. They even had the Beyonce part. At the end of the song, she enters the castle again. 

She changes her costume and Gaga enters as part of a design of a motor bike to the song Heavy Metal Lover. It was bizarre but freaking awesome. She rides along the stage during the song and then reenters the castle to put it back. She then comes out in a black bondage costume, with bike handles that figured a Harley streamers on her shoulders. After the song, she interacts with the crowd and say that she and her performers "Don't give a fuck" with whether people are enjoying themselves. Then, Bad Kids is played. Before her next song, she shares her life experience about being bullied in school where she was thrown into a garbage can and ridiculed by her friends. She never wanted to let anyone know about it as she didn't want anyone to think she was a LOSER. With the built up in emotions, she performs Hair, where she sits on her bike which has a built in keyboard. She talks about loneliness, bullying and about spreading love. She mentions that at the end of the day, we are not alone because she is with us. She further builds up the mood to a happier tone by performing You and I

After that, she moves into Electric Chapel where her dancers join her on stage. Everyone leaves the stage. The lead guitarist comes onto the stage and intros for Americano. Lady Gaga appears on a meat stand like those at the butcheries with her female dancers in her meat outfits while the guys are dressed in normal clothes. The story behind the meat outfit originates that in the past, women were treated like meat. Poker Face carries on after. Everyone once again goes GAGA to her no.1 hit when she first started. They all leave the stage once again. Gaga appears center stage on a sofa. She wears military green pants n black heeled boots n gun shaped bra. Paparazzi begins! She changes her outfit yet again to a mafia lookin outfit of black with a machine gun in hand. Following suite, she says, "Everyone who speaks different languages can understand music. I don't speak German but I can if you like... Scheibe. Lady Gaga finally kills the face orb. Though she claims the show is over, sit back, it's not!

After a long pause of anticipated fans hoping that she would do an encore, she appears at the top of the castle, singing and performing to Edge of Glory in a nun-looking outfit with loads of designs which mainly blue n yellow in colour, with one other dancer. She ends her whole THE BORN THIS WAY BALL with Marry The Night where all the dancers appear once again and everyone stands up, both young and old, to enjoy this great artist last song.

If you have not gone to see THE BORN THIS WAY BALL, you still have one day left to catch it. It's worth every cent. How often would you get sucha magnificent set with great music and not to mention, A STORY LINE! It's the best concert I've ever been to and it's definitely the best thing that has happened to me so far.

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